Active Taxpayer List FBR

Before doing any business, it has been advised to the taxpayers to check the status of companies in FBR , whether the company is in Active Tax Payer list or not

Always purchase from Active Taxpayers, because in near future Only Active Taxpayers will be allowed to Import and Export.

Expenses for Income Tax will only be admissible if purchases are made from Active Taxpayers
Only Active Taxpayers will be able to participate in the Procurement Tenders
Only Active Taxpayers will be able to operate as Clearing Agent, Shipping Agent, etc.
Only Active Taxpayers will be able to serve as Consultant, Advisor, etc.

Verify The Status of Active Taxpayer In FBR

The data is provided by courtesy of

How to be Active Taxpayer … No big deal ! Becoming Active  Taxpayer is very easy, you have to be Consistently compliant in …. Regularly filing IT Returns, ST&FE Returns, Withholding Tax Statements; Timely Paying Taxes and Responding to the Legal Notices.

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