Complete Custom Examination Procedure For Export In Pakistan
- Single GD——- (Full Container Load)
- Multiple GDs — (Part Container)
- LCL Shipment— (Less Container Load)
Single GD (Goods Declaration) Export Examination Procedure

A) When gate-in completed, There are two ways to find Container or Gd status:
1- Container or Gd status can be confirmed in WeBboc (As mention in above image) using WeBoc user id and password.
2- In Qict Web Site, If hold description shows billing hold and release code shows NPCR (Non Paccs Container Released) or AL (Allow Loading ) it’s mean container is allowed to load on the vessel and If hold description shows customs hold then maybe a container in the examination.
Directly Loading Allow
– Check your container `s status in Dp world `s website if hold description show Billing hold.
– Send Form-E scan copy on following address (export.documents@qict.com.pk )
– Now finally pay your terminal charges at Dp World or NLC Karachi.
If hold description shows “Operation Hold ” its mean shipping line hold your container then consult your shipping agent to get it cleared.
Marked Gd in Examination
Once Container shows examination hold then following steps will be taken to clear it:
1- Firstly Dp World will ground Container for examination.
2- Fill SSR form that is provided by Dp World
3- Submit filled SSR then Dp World update SSR in System
4- After submission of SSR, Surveyor will break container seal.
5- Now Dp World arranges container for customs examination.
6- Once container arrange then GD signed to examination officer and In WeBoc GD status show ” Gd Signed to Examiner ” .
7- Customs officer examines goods in the container and taking pictures of every item if found clear then allow this container for loading.
8- Send Form-E scan copy on following address export.documents@qict.com.pk Finally pay your terminal charges… that`s all
(Note: Must Attach Invoice, Packing list , Form-E Scan Copy or other Documents Such as Brand Certificate, DTRE Approval etc.. in WeBoc at time of File Gd)
Multiple GDs Export Examination Procedure in QICT or IC3
2- Fill SSR form that is provided by Dp World
3- Submit filled SSR then Dp World update SSR in System
4- After submission of SSR, Surveyor will break container seal.
5- Now Dp World arranges container for customs examination.
6- Once container arranges then GD signed to examination officer and In WeBoc GD status show ” Gd Signed to Examiner ” .
7- Customs officer examines goods in the container and taking pictures of every item, if found clear then examiner complete examination and mark gd to P.A.
8- P.A also check everything, Now P.A `s wish whether he released Gd or mark Gd to Appraiser.
if he marks Gd to appraiser he has to release Gd from him also.
9- Get the GD copy from Quality service (Dp World) and then Submit it to Help Desk with form-E Copy.
10- Finally Pay Terminal Bill….
Note: Must Attach Invoice, Packing list, Form-E etc…
Very good information
Thanks Brother!