Below We Reproduce the message (Notification) that we received.
GOODS DECLARATION AT THE TIME OF EXPORTS1. According to paragraph 3 of the Export Policy Order, 2013 notified vide SRO 192 (1)/2013 dated 08.03.2013 read with Section 155M of the Customs Act, 1969, all exports from Pakistan are subjected to submission of certain documents/certificates at the time of filing of Goods Declaration. A list of some documents / certificates so required is already fed in the WeBOC system against respective PCTs and as an arrangement, the system transmits a message along with code of the document/certificates to the Terminal Operator who, in turn, collects such documents / certificates at the time of clearance of dues by the exporter. The Terminal Operator then physically hands over all the collected documents / certificates to the Customs Staff posted at the Port on the daily basis.
2. It has been observed that this arrangement for collection of documents/certificates does not solve the purpose fully as, on one hand, the list of documents/certificates available in the system is not exhaustive and, on the other hand, the person receiving documents at Terminal’s counter is not trained enough to ascertain that the documents submitted actually pertain to the respective code/consignment. These documents / certificates are more often submitted to Customs at the time the consignment is already shipped and thus, the condition of Export Policy Order of “submission of documents to customs at the time of exports” is defeated.
3.In order to implement the conditions of Export Policy Order in letter and spirit, a meeting was held in the Model Custom Collectorate (Exports), Custom House, Karachi attended by the officers of the Collectorate, Directorate of Reforms & Automation, representatives of Karachi Customs Clearing Agents Association (KCCA) and Karachi International Container Terminal (KICT). After detailed deliberations and considering various aspects, it was unanimously decided that the list of documents/certificates required under the Export Policy Order shall be updated in the system and the Exporter / Clearing agent shall scan and upload the required document(s) at the time of finalization of Goods Declaration for exports.
4.In view of above, it is hereby circulated for the information of all the exporters and clearing agents that with effect from 22.09.2014, the documents/certificates required under the Export Policy Order for export of a consignment shall invariably be scanned and uploaded at the time of filing of Goods Declaration and hard copy of the same shall be submitted to the Terminal Operator as per existing practice. The Goods Declaration which will not be accompanied by scanned documents, if required therein, shall not be allowed through green channel and shipment will not be allowed till the documents are provided/uploaded. The customs department will not be responsible for a delay in shipment if the documents/certificates are not found scanned with the GD of any consignment and it’s diversion to Red Channel from the Green Channel.
5.All the Exporters and the Clearing Agents are, therefore, advised in their own interest to adhere to above instructions for seamless exports and to avoid delays in shipments. The staff of wharf deputed for the purpose will send the documents to the concerned Department for verification on the random basis to verify their authenticity.
Up Coming Topics:
- Notification No.02/2014 Dt:12-09-2014
- Download Standing Order No. 02 /2014
- Uploading Export Documents in WeBoc
- Uploading Documents in WeBoc GD