The Federal Employees Benevolent & Group Insurance Funds Grant Form
About FebGif:
FebGif Welfare Schemes:
1- Monthly Benevolent grant: On medical retirement or on death during service or on death after retirement before 70 years’ age of the employee.
2- Burial charges: On death before 70 years’ age.
3- Marriage grant: On marriage of one child of serving retired and deceased employees.
4- Education stipends: for two children studying in intermediate or above excluding M.Phil/PhD. programs of serving, retired and deceased.
5- Lump sum grant: On invalid retirement.
6- Farewell grant: equal to one month pay on retirement after 25 years’ service.
7- Sum assured: On death during service.
Monthly Benevolent Grant :-
i. dies during service; or
ii. retires from service on medical grounds; or
iii. dies during retirement before attaining the age of seventy years.
Period of grant(from 4.9.1988)
The grant is paid for life to;
i. spouse;
ii. incapacitated employee;
for fifteen years or upto the age of seventy years of the employee which ever is earlier to;
other eligible family members as defined.
Burial charges
Marriage grant
Education Stipends
Category and rates of stipends
Catagory | Level | Amount | Marks |
I | Intermediate | 20,000 | 80% |
II | Graduation | 24,000 | 70% |
III | Post Graduation | 30,000 | 80% |
IV | Professional studies | 40,000 | 70% |
V | Prescribed studies in Public sector universities, Colleges and Instutions |
Download Educational Stipend Form
Lump sum grant :-
Farewell grant
To Download the Farewell Grant Form
Sum assured (Group Insurance Fund )