MCC/App (East)/Public Notices/10/2015 

February 18, 2015


As is provided in section 208 of the Customs Act, 1969 read with the licensing rules, any Custom House agent licensed under section 207 of the Customs Act, 1969, appearing before an officer of customs, will be asked by the officer to produce authority from the actual license to transact business on his behalf.  Similarly, in case the principal opts to transact business without using a licensed agent, he may authorize an employee or representative to transact business generally and the appropriate officer may refuse to entertain such an employee or representative unless an authority, duly signed by the principal, is produced by him.

2.   In order to ensure that a consignment is cleared by the authorized person, it has been decided that entry into the premises of MCC Appraisement (East) shall only be allowed to the Clearing Agents or their authorized representatives having customs permit or smart cards issued by the association. Any unauthorized representative not having permit/smart card shall not be allowed to enter the premises of the Collectorate and entertained by the staff/officer.
3.   In case of self clearance, the importer shall have to authorize any person to pursue his case in the Collectorate by issuing and uploading in the system the prescribed authorization along with GD depicting CNIC and contact No. of the authorized person at the time of filing of the goods declaration in the WeBOC system, and the person shall carry that authorization letter along with CNIC with him during visit to the Collectorate. Such authorization shall be consignment/GD specific and any general authorization shall not be entertained.
4.     The scheme shall be enforced on G.Ds filed on or after 23-2-2015

(Manzoor Hussain Memon)


Copy to:-

1.The Chief Collectors of Customs Appraisement (South) /Enforcement.
2.The President, Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Karachi.
3.The President, Karachi Customs Clearing Agents Association.
4.MCC Appraisement (West), Custom House, Karachi
5.MCC Preventive, Custom House, Karachi
6.MCC Port Muhammad Bin Qasim, Karachi
7.MCC (Exports), Custom House, Karachi
8.The Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry
9.All Trade Associations
10.Notice Board

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