Yesterday, on Dec 02, 2015 we received the following message from the Karachi Customs Agent Association.
Message Details:-
The member whose NTNs is blocked and Show Cause Notices issued by FBR due to non filing of Nil Return of Sales Tax on FBR e-Portal are advised to communicate their company name and NTNs to KCAA (Karachi Customs Agent Association) Head Office immediately to take up the matter with Higher Authorities.
Nadeem Kamil
KCAA`s Head Office Address:-
Head Office 2nd Floor, Burhani Terrace, Bohri Road, off Eduljee Dinshaw Road, Opp. Custom House, Karachi-74000, Pakistan.
Phone: +92-21-32311989 , +92-21-32203954 , +92-21-32313067 , +92-21-32313068
Fax: +92-21-32310989
Email: info@kcaa.pk