On January 03, 2020 the clarification issued vide reference no.1-A/Dir/Gen/CHE/2020/nCoV/ from Directorate of Central Health Establishment. According to this clarification there are no additional requirement for fumigation in Cargo Ships and Passengers.
In pursuance of the letter No. F. No. I -27/Advisory/FEDSD/2020 dated 28th January 2020 . it is to clarify that as per press release attached herewith duly issued by the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination. Islamabad. there arc no additional requirement for fumigation in Cargo Ships in the wake of Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) under International Health Regulations (IHR-2005). However, strict compliance in lieu of existing International Protocols in accordance the International Health Regulations (1FIR-2005 ) and the Port Health Rules on arriving/departing ships and passengers would remain intact as per previous practice. All the previous letter issued in this regard are hereby withdrawn/cancelled.