Valuation Ruling 1530/2021
In Valuation Ruling 1530/2021, Customs Values of Hair Care Products/Shampoos/Conditioners and Hair Spray/Gel/Wax/Cream/Colour/Oil/Coat/Aqua/Hydrogenperoxide Liquid/Developer/Accelerator – Valuation Ruling 1530/2021 under Section 25-A of the Customs Act, 1969. Statement of base values of Garments of Low End Brands.
Customs Values of Following Items Mention in Valuation Ruling 1530/2021.
- Shampoo/ Conditioner (Hs Code: 3305.1000)
- Hair Colour Dye Shampoo (Hs Code: 3305.1000)
- Hair Spray/ Hair Straightening (Hs Code:3305.2000)
- Hair Gel/ Wax (Hs Code: 3305.2000)
- Hair Cream, All Kinds (Hs Code:3305.9010)
- Hair Color (Hs Code: 3305.9020)
- Hair Oil (Hs Code: 3305.9090)
- Hair Mousse (Hs Code:3305.9090)
- Hair Lightenin/ Remiver/ Bleach Cream/ Lotion Powder(Hs Code:3305.9090)
- Aqua/ Hydrogen Peroxide Liquid/ Developer/ Accelerator (Hs Code:3305.9090)
- Hair Coat/ Serum (Hs Code: 3305.9020)
Customs values for Hair Care Products/ Shampoos / Conditioners And Hair Spray/ Gel Wax / Cream/ Colour/ Oil /Coat /Aqua / Hydrogen Peroxide Liquid / Developer /Accelerator – hereinafter specified shall be assessed to duty/ taxes on the minimum Custom values mentioned separately for each brands category herein below:
ACM, Acqua Di Parma, Aerin, Algenist, Amore Pacific, Arnouage, Aramis, Archery, Annani, Avene, Azzaro, Balenciaga, BC-Ceuticals, Burberry, Bvigari, Calvin Klein, Canali, Carolina, Herrera, Cartier, Chanel, Chloe, Chole, Chopard, Christiandior, Claiborne, Clarins, Clinique,
Crabtree & Evelyn, Creed, Dali, Davidoff, Dermalogica, DICNY, Dolce & Gabbana, Dunhill,
Elemis, Elizabeth Arden, Escada, Estee, Euphoria, Fendi, Ferragamo, Ferrari Endless,
Ghousons, Givenchy, GNC, Gucci, Guerlain, Guinot, Hermes, Hugo Boss, Igora Lauren, lgora
Royal, lsseymiyake, Jean Patou, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Joop Jump, Juicy Conture, Karl Lagerfeld,
Kenneth Cole, Kenzo, Label M, Lacoste, Lalique, lancome, Lanvin, Lauder Escada, Lavin,
Lierac, Lizelaibome, MAC, Mauboussin, Mont Blanc, Nancaster, NarcisoR, Neutrogena, Nina
Ricci, Noreva, Obagi, Obsession, Opium, PacoRubanne, Peers, Perry Ellis, Polo, Prada,
Proactive, Purin, Ralph Lauren, Red Musk, Rodriguez, Rogger&Gailet, Salvatore, Skin
Medica, SVR, Tea Tree, The Art of Shaving, The Body Shop, TomyHill, Toni & Guy, Tree
Fresh, Tussardi, Van Cleef & Arpels, Versace, Victoria Secrets, Xonia, YSL.
Aqua, Avon, Beauty and Silence, Biogenik, Biolyn, Boots, Bioline, Clairol, Classic, Crack, Deep,
Dream Pure Naturals, Du’Vi Stockholm, Etude, Filorga Skin Care, Foltene, Framessi, Gamier
Color Natural Men, Gamier Men, Glamorous Face, GloMinerals make up, Gold Bond, Gosh,
Head & Shoulders, Just For Men, Institute Jergents, ISIS, Phama, Jo Malone, Janssel, Just 4
L’Oreal Paris Majirel, ICryolan, Koleston, L’Oreal ParisI NOA Color, L’Oreal Paris Kerastase,
L’occitane, L’Oreal, L’Oreal Paris DIA, L’Oreal Paris Platinum, L’OrealPari, L’Oreal
Paris(ELVIVE), L’Oreal Paris Mythic Oil, L’Oreal Paris Serie Expert, L’Oreal Paris Techniart,
L’Oreal Paris Casting, L’Oreal Paris Dermo Expert, L’Oreal Paris Excellence. L’Oreal Paris Xtenso, Marks & Spencer, Mustela, Old Spice, OPT, Passion, Pantene, Purin, Royal Gold, Secret,
St.Stageline, Studio Line, Tegmen, Thalgo, VIP Colour Shampoo, Professional, Wonder Z.
4 me, 5 way cream & Vita Cream, 7 Vita, A’ Mrij, Active, Adidas, Afshan, Aichun, Aival,
Ajmal, Akat, AL’Lure, Alan Jey New PlacentAlan, Alisha, Aloe Vera, AlpiFresh, Altamoda,
Amaris Cosmetics, Amoray, Amorish, Andalu natural, Aqua Blue, Aqua Fresh, Archi, Arimatic,
Aris, Aris Cosmetics, Arm & Hammer, Armaf, Astonish, Aveeno, Axe, Ahc, Azka, B & B,
Baby Mild, Barbershop Stuff, Bath & Body Works, BCL, Beauty, Beauty Formula, Beaver,
Bello, Berry Well, Bingo Care, Bio beauty, Cream Silk, Bio Glow, Biore, Blesso, Blitz,
Blue Image, Blue King, Blue Touch, BN, Bob, Body Luxuries, Boi Oil, Bonacure, Bond
Street, Brut, Bryl Cream, Byphasse, C&c, C.Booth, Caimei, Citra, Camay, Capri, Caresse
Natural, Carex, CB, CHI, Chique, CiF, Ciptadent, Clean & Clear, Clear, Clear asil,
Cleopatra, Clere, Clinic Plus, Close up, Cobra, Colgate, Collection, Color, Colorsilk, Colour
Me, ColourN Care, Comex, Compact, Concept, Concord, Cool & Cool, Cool Breeze, Corsair,
Cosmic Girl, Creme21, Crest, Cruset, Cussions, Cussons, Cuticura, Dabur, Daily Defence,
Dalan, Dalton, Dalton Medora, Dark Black, Dawn, Dax, Deco A-1200, Deep Fresh, Deep
Heat, Delta, Denim, Denon, Deomania, Detol, Dettol, Dexe, Dial, Diana, Did, Dikson, Doctor,
Doctor Plus, Doctor Sam, D’Olive, Dora, Dorlene, Dove, DR. -Rimpler, Dr. James, Dreamron,
Dupas, E Vitamin, Easy, El Paso, El More, Elentee Soy, Elentee Joy, Elnett, Emami, Emani,
Emeron, Emotion, Enchanteur, Enliven, Eskinol, Eskulin, Essentiallz, Estiara, Eternity,
Evadream, Evans, Eveline, Everyuth, Fa, Fadeout, Fair & Fair, Fair & White, Fixer, Fair
4.„ Lovely, Fair Time, Fairness, Faith in nature, Farmasi, Fascino, Farmona, Fashion Elite,
Teshion Natura, Faultless, Febreze, Ferrari, Ferrero, Ferriro, Festival, Feverz, Fiabila, Fiabilo,
tinesse, Fiore Bello, Flex, Florens Flower Shop, FNAC, Forever, Formula, Freeman,
trash & White, Fresh breath, Frey, Fructis, Fruiser, Fruit, Fruitina, Fruito, Full, Galaxy,
Gambit, Garden, Gamier, Gatsby, Geniol, Gentle, Gillette, Ginseing, Glade, Glatt, Gliss,
Glomesh, Glysolid, Go care, Glams, Guucure, Godrej, Golden Girl Glam Up, Got2b, Green
World, Guhl, Hair Care Olive, Hair Code, Hair Repair, Halus, Handsome, Harmons, Hawaiian,
Healthy Shop, Hello Kitty, Hemani, Herbal Doctor, Herbal Essence, Herbline essentials,
Harman, Hifa, Himalaya Herbals, Himani, Holly Wood, Holly Wood Style, Home, Home
Alone, Home Plus, Honey Lotion, Hortaleza, HS Argon, India Tree, Indola, Insignia, Iris,
Isabelle Lancray, Itch Guard, Jardin, Jardon, Jergens, Jerom, John Allen, John, John Frieda,
Johnson & Johnson, Jolan, Jolen, Junsui, K Brother, Kanwan, Kelly, Kiss beauty, Kodomo,
Kozmo, lierac n jow ae, La Fresh, Lace, Lady Diana, Lakeme, Lana, LanofilNature, Laquila,
Lark, Leady Speed, Le-Aroma, Lichen, Life, Lifebuoy, Like, Lisap, Listerine, Lynx, Livon,
LK, Loewe, Lolane, lonkom, Lonkoom, lorenay, lorney, Lorvel, lorys, lovely, Lovenzo, Lovium,
Luce, Lucky, Lumice, Lux, Lyms, Mach, Macho, Macho Beard Products, Madi International,
Majestic, Majix, Maldcaj, Maryaj, Max Fair, May, May Fair, Maycare, Mclean, Mcleans,
Medex, Medora, Mena, Millionaire, Miss London, Mistine, Morena, Morning Fresh, Move,
MP3, My Rose, Mystek, Nexxus, Nair, Nature, Nature Secret, Naturilum, Neon, New Lief,
New Hall, New Life, Nicaea, Nihar, Nike, Nino, nitro, Nivea, No Marks, Newhall,
Nouveau, Nova, Noxzema, Nu Feel, OE, Olive, Olive Babies, Olivia, Oracare, Oral B,
Organic, Oyster Cosmetics, Palette, Palmers, Palmolive, Panache, Panammas, Paradise,
Paris, Paris Collection, Paris CollectionPoppy, Party Success, Pearl Drops, Pears, Pepsodent,
Perfume Choice, Pert, Pert Plus, Petal Fresh, Petroleum jelly, Piclor, Piva, Pixy, Platinum
Cashash, Pleasure, Poise, Pomley, Ponds, Posa, Posh Black, Pretty Pink, Pride, Prill, Protect
& Clean, Prov-VitB5, Pucelle, Pure Derm, Purell, Purt Plus, Queperpari Cartera, Radox,
Rasasi, Rayef, Rexaline, Real, Real +, Reborn Beauty, Red & Black, Redist, Redone, Relax,Royal, Royal Marriage, Radiant, Royal Mirage, Royal Premium, S C Johnson, Safah, Safe
Guard, Sahara, Saloon, Salsun Blue, Spring Song, Santoor, Schauma, Schwarzkopf & Henkel,
Schwarzkoph, Scink, Secret Love, Sellion, SEN, Sensitive, Setwet, Sevloon, Sexcity, SHE,
Shehnaz Hussein, Shelley, Shifei, Shirley May, Shokubustu, Signal, Signal 2, Signature,
Silk, Silken, Silvikirin, Skin Care, Skin Care Olive, Skin Doctor, Slade, Sla, Smart
Collection, Soft Touch, Soft & Gentle, SOL, SPA Saloon, Special, ST John, ST. Ives.
Simple, State Strong, Sudo, Stillman’s, Storm, Suave, Subaro, Subaru, Succeed, Sunkiss,
Sunsilk, Super Silk, Super Soft, Super Storm, Swiss Image, Syoss, Tabac, Taft, Tag Him, Tango,
The Vitamin Company, Thicker Fuller Hair, Tift, Tiger, Touch & Glow, Touch Me, Trace Me,
TRESemme, U & Me, Ulay (Olay), Ultra Compact, Vaseline, Vasmol, Vatika, Veet, VI John,
Vince, Viso, Vital, Vizo, VLCC, Vo5, VS Labs, Wella, White Care, White Rain, White
Rose, White Satin, White Tone, Winner Manufacturer, Winner Manufacturing, Wokali
Cosmetics, Wonderful, Wood, WP, Xpel, Yardley, Yes Now, Yoko, Yong Chin(YC), Ys, Zact,
Zenix, Zero Fizz Zest, Zinc, Zixian NA.
Download Valuation Ruling 1530/2021