This article is for those who want to know how to pay Car tax payment online in Karachi/Sindh.
Government of Sindh has taken another step towards public facilitation.
Excise Taxation & Narcotics Control Department Sindh is launching Online-Tax Payment Facility, through Internet-Banking Account, Mobile Application, ATM, Easy Paisa or Jazz Cash for payment of Motor Vehicle Taxes.
Here we are going to share my personal experience how I paid my car tax in the excise and taxation department Sindh using their online facility.
Let’s dive in
Step 1:-
Visit Excise Taxation & Narcotics Control Department Sindh’s Website.
Click the Quick Pay Option
Step 2:-
In order to get the vehicle and tax details fill the required details.
- Mobile No. (e.g: 03xxxxxxxxx) without any dash
- Vehicle Registration No. (e.g: ABC-123) first alphabet characters then type dash(-) and finally type number.
- Type ReCaptcha
and press the Vehicle Details button.
Now the system will show the following details of the vehicle/car.
- Vehicle Make
- Vehicle Model Year
- Vehicle Last Tax Paid
- Vehicle Body Type
- Vehicle Owner Name
- Vehicle Seating Capacity
- Vehicle Engine Capacity
- Vehicle Registration Date
Step 3:-
Now select the tax period, and press Calculate Tax Button.
The system will show motor vehicle tax, as you see the image above.
If you want to original challan (Receipt) via courier so click “Deliver Challan to Me Via Courier”
It’s time to mention challan courier details
In address text-area: Type complete address, where you want to receive original challan.
In the name text box: Type Your Complete Name.
Type City, Province, and press Save Button.
After pressing the save button system will add courier charges and show your total tax amount.
Now press Generate PSID button.
This system generated PSID and successfully sent it to your provided mobile number for Payment purposes.
Now you can pay your tax using this PSID.
How to Pay Car/ Motor Vehicle Tax Using EasyPaisa
You can easily pay your motor vehicle tax using Easypaise App.
Step 1:
Open Easypaisa App and go to the ‘More‘ option as indicated in the image below.
Step 2:
After going to more option, In Bill Payment Section go to Government Fees.
In government fees, select ‘Sindh Vehicle Token Tax‘.
Step 3:
Here type your PSID and Next button.
Step 4:
Once you press the next button, the system will fetch all details against your provided PSID.
After checking all details, finally press the ‘Pay Now‘ Button.
Step 5:
Motor vehicle tax payment successfully paid using Easypaisa App, Now save this receipt for reference.
Final Confirmation Message
After Payment, you will receive a confirmation on your mobile.
That’s All.
You will receive Original Payment Challan Via Courier within 6 to 7 days.
1 Comment
I did not get any paid tax confirmation message right after making the payment online.
Moreover, when will I get my vehicle windscreen token and receipt of paid tax at home??
I heard that only receipt is sent at the mentioned address not the token. Is it true??