Valuation Ruling 1626/2022
In Valuation Ruling 1626/2022, Customs Value of Fresh Dates (Zahidi, Muzafati, Rabbi/Piarom, Ajwa, Amber, Other Varieties/Types) is determined under Section 25-A of the Customs Act, 1969.
Customs Import Values of Fresh Dates in Pakistan
Background of the valuation issue: Earlier, the customs value of Fresh Dates was determined under Section 25A of the Customs Act, 1969 vide Valuation Ruling No.1133/2017 dated 18-04-2017.The Valuation Ruling was approximately five (05) years old. Quetta
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI) and Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry filed representations before the FBR. A meeting was held on 09-02-2022 in FBR headquarters which was chaired by the Chairman FBR and attended by Member (Customs-Policy), Director General Customs Valuation, and other participants including the representatives of both the chambers. Keeping in view the difference between freight from land and sea routes,- the quality of goods, and other socio-economic factors, the Board forwarded a record note NO. 8(1) SS (VAL & AUDIT) 2022, dated 28-02 2022. Accordingly, an exercise was undertaken by the Directorate General of Customs Valuation to determine afresh the Customs Values of subject goods in terms of Section 25A of Customs Act, 1969.
Customs values hereinafter specified shall be assessed to duty/taxes at the following minimum Customs Values:-
Description of goods:
Customs Import Value of Zahidi Dates
Zahidi Dates Hs code 0804.1010.
Country of Origin | Customs Values (C&F US$/Kg) |
Iran | 0.19 |
Iraq | 0.18 |
Description of goods:
Customs Import Value of Muzafati Dates
Muzafati Dates Hs code 0804.1010.
Country of Origin | Customs Values (C&F US$/Kg) |
Iran | 0.34 |
Description of goods:
Customs Import Value of Rabbi/Piarom Dates
Rabbi/Piarom Dates Hs code 0804.1010.
Country of Origin | Customs Values (C&F US$/Kg) |
Iran | 0.35 |
Description of goods:
Customs Import Value of Ajwa, Amber Dates
Ajwa, Amber Dates Hs code 0804.1010.
Country of Origin | Customs Values (C&F US$/Kg) |
All Origins | 3.52 |
Description of goods:
Customs Import Value of Other Varieties of Dates
Other Varieties of Dates Hs code 0804.1010.
Country of Origin | Customs Values (C&F US$/Kg) |
Saudi Arabia | 2.31 |
Other Origins | 2.15 |