FTO Directs Inquiry Against FBR Officials For Furnishing Misleading And False Statements Regarding Attachment of Bank Account Inquiry Unfolds
ISLAMABAD: Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) Dr Asif Jah has ordered an inquiry against some Federal Board of Revenue officers for furnishing misleading and false statements as regards implementing an FTO order which dealt with the attachment of bank accounts through coercive measures when appeals were pending.
The President supported the ruling of FTO and advocated that disciplinary action may be taken against those officers, on giving them an opportunity to defend themselves.
The case was filed by taxpayer Dr. Iqbal Aujla, who has been represented by Advocate Waheed Shahbaz Butt. Taxpayer Dr. Aujla leveled allegations against FBR officers for misconduct and illegal recovery actions against him.
After perusing the case, FTO concluded that the actions of the officers were in contravention of FBR’s rules and were excessive also.
Advocate Butt observed that the steps taken by FBR had manifested maladministration and negated the ideas of justice and fair play, which were rendered as the hallmark of civil servants.
It was underlined that officers of FBR must abide by constitutional mandates.
Decision directing the FTO to recommend that FBR may instruct the Chief Commissioner Inland Revenue (CCIR) to issue a warning to the officer concerned for taking coercive measures in the running appeals.
The FTO further directed the Member-IR (Operations) to investigate comparative cases throughout the country, take appropriate corrective action where necessary, and soundly warn any officers involved in violation of guidelines.