28,000 Pakistanis applied for asylum in Europe in just one year.
From October 2023 to October 2024, about 28,000 individuals from Pakistan applied for asylum in European Union countries according to the EU Agency for Asylum (EUAA). This is a remarkable number., that shows how many Pakistanis are seeking protection in Europe.
The number of asylum applications peaked in October 2023, with about 3,400 requests, but by October 2024, the figure had dropped to 1,900. Among all EU countries, Italy received the most asylum applications from Pakistanis, followed by France, Greece, and Germany.
The report by EUAA Country Focus on Pakistan” was established, and approximately 20,000 decisions on the Pakistani asylum application had been made. Among all the applicants, only 12% received a ruling on refugee status or subsidiary protection. At the end of October 2024, around 34,000 decisions were pending.
The report also sheds light on Pakistan’s political and security situation, particularly on the challenges that face the minorities and specific groups. It states that Pakistan is one of the countries most affected by modern slavery with an estimated 2.4 million people trapped in forced labor or marriage. Although there are laws against human trafficking, weak enforcement, corruption, and official involvement have hindered progress, allowing these issues to persist.
This is a very difficult. situation many Pakistanis are in, both at home and when they go to seek asylum in Europe.