FBR to Impound Goods Valued Over $1200 from International Passengers
Pakistan’s Federal Board of Revenue is set to amend the country’s Baggage Rules 2006, permitting it to seize any goods exceeding over, $1200 from the international. passengers.
New Proposed Amendments
The FBR has published a draft of the proposed amendments in the Baggage Rules. Such amendments would allow the FBR to seize items that amount to more than $1200. The authority under which these amendments are being undertaken is Section 219 of the Customs Act, 1969.
Definition of “Commercial Quantity”
Commercial. quantity” of goods is considered to be above the threshold of $1200 that have. been brought in for commercial purposes and do not relate to personal requirements or gift givin Such merchandise will not be released upon payment of duties, taxes, or fines.
Invitation for Feedback
The FBR has invited objections and suggestions from the public against the proposed change within seven days of notice being issued in the official Gazette.