How Many Pakistanis Left the Country in 2024? A Look at Migration Trends
In 2024, the number of Pakistanis who migrated to other countries dropped to 727,381 (around 0.73 million), which is nearly 15% lower than in 2023 when 862,625 workers moved abroad. This data was shared by the Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment (BEOE).
Top Countries for Pakistani Workers in 2024
About 62% or 452,562 workers went to Saudi Arabia in 2024. Oman emerged as the second largest. destination for 81,587 Pakistani workers that year and replaced the United Arab Emirates. The latter took in 64,130 Pakistani workers in different fields of operation. Other GCC countries, Qatar and Bahrain, hosted 40,818 and 25,198 workers, respectively.
Some countries have established special centers to help Pakistani workers with visa policies and placements. In addition, 13,695 workers migrated to the UK, and 1,077 to the USA in the same year.
Majority of Workers in Blue-Collar Jobs
Most of the workers leaving Pakistan in 2024 are working in blue-collar jobs. These include 364,574 laborers and 185,209 drivers, which make up over 75% of the total workers migrating. In addition, 3,642 doctors and 8,018 engineers also sought opportunities abroad.
Unofficial Migration and Undocumented Workers
Most of the Pakistani migrants do not have any BEOE registration. In Europe and other countries, people apply through private agencies or their personal, contacts to get a job or a visa. In that case, no official records of their statistics exist. The above points make one assume that the emigration may be more than that. has been officially recorded. Further, the people without any proper visas and staying in a foreign country are not reflected in the statistical record.
Effects of Employment Ban in the Persian Gulf
By 2024, the Gulf states, with nations like UAE and other nations in the Middle East, enforced hiring restrictions based on economic reasons and changes in the oil. prices. The number of people who sought to move into the Middle East was also minimized as a traditional destination for the Pakistani workforce.
Increasing Movement into Europe and North America
Although restrictions are present in the Gulf, the trend is to increase immigration to Europe and North America, especially to gain better employment prospects, higher salary scales, and better living standards. Many migrants, however, do not formally register and hence are not recorded by the BEOE.
Overseas Worker Remittances
Remittances from Pakistani workers abroad are estimated to reach $35 billion by the end of the current financial year. It is because of increased migration, better currency exchange rates, and the incentives offered by banks and currency agents. Technological advancements also help in enhancing remittance inflows.
Migration Data Collection Challenges
The lack of accurate data on undocumented workers and people who bypass official channels hinders a complete understanding of the scale of migration from Pakistan. This further has an impact on their contribution to the economy, mainly on the strength of remittances.
Both official and unofficial migration patterns indicate that Pakistanis, despite changes in the global job market, do continue to look for better opportunities abroad.