Two key MoUs signed by Pakistan and Malaysia to enhance bilateral trade ties The four critical Memorandums of Understanding, signed by Pakistan and Malaysia in a move to increase the scale of their bilateral trade relationship, were inked here on Thursday. Federal Minister for Commerce Jam Kamal Khan attended the event at Islamabad.
Some of the most important agreements signed are with Fauji Meat Limited and NSK, where they entered into a Letter of Intent (LOI) to a profit-sharing venture. Their core activities would be on the distribution, wholesales, as well as retailing of meat products, thus expanding their operations in both markets.
In addition to these, the Gobi VC Investment Fund has planned to invest $300,000 in the Pakistani startup Qistbazar. They also pledged to raise $50 million to further invest in Pakistani startups. This will strengthen Pakistan’s growing entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Such new partnerships are pointing towards increasing business relationships between Malaysia and Pakistan that will further spur growth and cooperation opportunities for various industries.